Holmes & Yo-Yo

  • Richard B. Shull: Alexander Holmes
  • John Schuck: Gregory " Yoyo " Yoyonovich
  • Bruce Kirby: Captain Harry Sedford
  • Andrea Howard: Officer Maxine Moon
  • Larry Hovis: Dr. Babcock
  • Ben Hammer: Chief Dwight Buchanan
  • Fritzi Burr: Mimi Buchanan

Holmes & Yoyo is an American television series that was produced in the 1970s by Universal Television and broadcast from September 26, 1976 by ABC.


The main characters in this series are the police detective Alex Holmes and a man of the same robot, Yoyo. The basic idea of the plot is that Alex Holmes detective former colleagues will hurt so much while working with Holmes again and again for various reasons that they need to go to the hospital, where Holmes itself will never hurt.

To avoid having to hire new employees over again, is his superior, Captain Sedford, the supposedly indestructible Yoyo Holmes as new colleagues, where none of the staff should know the police station that Yoyo is a robot. Holmes discovered this fast, but the knowledge but retains for itself. Otherwise, no one noticed that Yoyo is not a man, so that even a detective in love with him.

Yoyo weighs 427 pounds, has a photographic memory and can do everything that he has ever seen, by pressing his nose print as Polaroid - Polaroid comes out from his left shirt pocket.


Just three months after the first showing in the fall of 1976 the series in U.S. television was deposed. Just two years later, the series was erstausgestrahlt in Germany in the eve programs of ARD. Repetitions followed both in the ARD, as well as the last time in 1991 at RTLplus.
