Holothuria leucospilota

Weißgefleckte sea cucumber ( Holothuria leucospilota )

The Weißgefleckte sea cucumber ( Holothuria leucospilota ) ( Gr. leukos = white, Spilos = spot), also known as Snake sea cucumber, is a 60 to 90 inches long expectant sea cucumber. The animals are found as far as Japan, Hawaii and Australia in the Red Sea and tropical Indo-Pacific from the Maldives. They live singly or in groups in shallow water on sandy or rubble bottoms, at depths from 0 to 10 meters. Frequently her rear end is wedged between coral heads or hides under rocks. In many Indo-Pacific coral reefs, it is very common.


The body of the Weißgefleckten sea cucumber is slim, very soft and smooth and can be greatly extended or, in disorders shortened. It is of black, more rarely from black -brown color. The skin is covered with numerous soft, pointed papillae and scattered, small white spots. To the mouth of the sea cucumber Weißgefleckten are 18 to 20 oral tentacles with which it scans the sea floor fressbaren organic substances and constituents of the meiofauna.
