Honda knot

The Honda node is used for tying the eye in the lasso loop. It is based on the " Bowstringknot " with an additional overhand knot as a backup.


The Lasso knot used by cowboys to catch with a lasso cattle and horses. It serves for producing a solid eye at one end of the rope. Through this eye usually braided rawhide rope is inserted to form the lasso loop. It is crucial that the eye is as round as possible, so that the rope well slides and the sling can easily pull. The eye has a diameter the size of a ring of index finger and thumb. The sling has when throwing a diameter of about 1.5 m.

Lasso on Horse


Only through the top part of the overhand knot by

Overhand knot to secure



More suitable is the lasso knot.


When a node Arbor overhand knot then a second overhand knot as a backup (Castle ) is tied around the rope and set to the end. ( The loop then goes through the overhand knot. )
