Hook Island

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Hook Iceland is one of the islands of the archipelago of the Whitsunday Islands off the coast of Queensland in Australia. The island is rocky and part of the Whitsunday Islands National Park. The island is officially considered to be in the Cumberland Islands, James Cook had discovered in 1770 and named so.

Island events

On 12 February 2008 a yacht ran at Cape Cove on reason. The present on the yacht 37 people were rescued by helicopters. This rescue operation was the largest rescue of shipwrecked by these aircraft in Australia. Two people were killed in December 2009 by the venomous Irukandji jellyfish while snorkeling on the Hook Iceland.

On this island, the oldest archaeological sites are located in the east of Australia. At one site at Nara Inlet, the oldest finds were of an age of 9000 years in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park found by the Aboriginal tribe of Ngaro. At this place leads the Ngaro -Seal Trail.

Tourist information

The island has two remarkable fjords, the Nara and Macona Inlet. The island is located in the north of the mainland coast with coral beaches can be where snorkeled and dived. On Hook Iceland is the Hook Iceland Wilderness Resort, which opened on certain days for large catamarans. At this resort, there is a restaurant and bar where food and snacks are available. The resort also organizes swimming, snorkeling diving tours and observations of the underwater world in a underwater observatory.
