Hosea H. Rockwell

Hosea Hunt Rockwell ( born May 31, 1840 in Lawrenceville, Pennsylvania, † December 18, 1918 in Elmira, New York ) was an American politician. Between 1891 and 1893 he represented the State of New York in the U.S. House of Representatives.


Hosea Hunt Rockwell was born about six years before the outbreak of the Mexican-American War in Tioga County. He attended community schools. During the Civil War he served in 1861 and 1862 as a private in the 23rd Regiment of New York Volunteers. Then he studied law. After receiving his license to practice law in 1869 he began to practice in Elmira. He sat in 1877 in the New York State Assembly. Then he was City Attorney in Elmira. Politically, he was a member of the Democratic Party.

In the congressional elections of 1890 for the 52nd Congress Rockwell was the 28th electoral district of New York in the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington DC chosen, where he became the successor of Thomas S. Flood on March 4, 1891. Since he gave up for reelection in 1892, he retired after March 3, 1893 from the Congress.

After his conference time he went to Elmira back to his work as a lawyer after. He took part in 1896 as a delegate to the Democratic National Convention in the same year and had presided at the Democratic State Convention. On December 18, 1918, he died in Elmira and was then buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery.
