Howard M. Wiseman

Howard Mark Wiseman ( born June 19, 1968 in Brisbane ) is an Australian theoretical quantum physicist who is known for his work on quantum control, quantum mechanical measurements, quantum information, fundamental questions of quantum mechanics, and open quantum systems.

Early life

Wiseman was born in Brisbane in 1991 and completed his Bachelor of Science (Hons ) at the University of Queensland. There he also completed his Ph.D. in 1994 in physics under Gerard J. Milburn with his work Quantum Trajectories and Feedback. He is a professor at Griffith University.


Wiseman was established in 1995 with the Bragg Gold Medal of the Australian Institute of Physics, 2003 with the Pawsey Medal of the Australian Academy of Science and in 2003 awarded the Malcolm McIntosh Prize for Physical Scientist of the Year in the Prime Minister's Prizes for Science. He is a member of the Australian Academy of Science and the American Physical Society.


  • Gerard J. Milburn Quantum measurement and control, Cambridge University Press 2009