Hubert Lepka

Hubert Lepka (* 1958 in Ried ) is a choreographer and director.


Hubert Lepka studied singing ( opera ) and contemporary dance at the Mozarteum in Salzburg and Law at the University of Salzburg. Became famous Hubert Lepka with avalanche torrèn mainly by its large spatial productions in unusual places.

This avalanche torrèn Landscape, Architecture, (local) history and mythology focused at the original location. The means to do so are a fusion of film and new media with representational elements; Dancers, actors and machines. So served, inter alia, the Danube River and its banks ( " division by the river " at the Linz Cloud of Sound in 2005 and "Leviathan" in Mautern / Krems), a glacier ( "mars: 2068 " and " Hannibal " on Rettenbachferner in Sölden ) and an airport ( "Taurus Rubens " ) as a stage.

Since its founding avalanche torrèn moved to the apex of art and business. Companies in tourism, industry, architecture and business worked on the lookout for new, unconventional ways of communication with the artist network. At the same time creates Hubert Lepka with actors, dancers, media artists and the performing equipment pieces that are realized in collaboration with renowned theaters, and (performance ) art festivals. A contribution to the conference " art and business " on the occasion of the European Forum Alpbach Lepka delivered in November 2004 under the title " The irrational calculus of the superfluous ".

In 1992 he founded the artists' network avalanche torrèn.

Lepka lives and works on Passauergut in moss village in southern Innviertel, near Salzburg.

