Hugh Sebag-Montefiore

Hugh Sebag - Montefiore ( born March 5, 1955) is a British writer. He first worked as a lawyer before he became a journalist and is now making a name as a historian and non-fiction author.

One of his books is ENIGMA - The Battle for the Code, in which he describes the history of the collapse of the German cipher machine ENIGMA by British code breakers at Bletchley Park British during the Second World War. The family Sebag - Montefiore was the owner of this about 70 km north- west of London located property before they sold it in 1937 to the British Government.

Another book Sebag - Montefiore 's Dunkirk - Fight to the Last Man, in which he dealt with another issue from the Second World War, namely the Battle of Dunkirk and the relief of the present in the bridgehead British armed forces of the British Expeditionary Force. One of Sebag - Montefiore's ancestors found himself in the bridgehead and was happy evacuated.

Hugh Sebag - Montefiore lives with his wife and three children in London. For his extensive research, especially for ENIGMA, he made ​​numerous trips, including to Warsaw, Berlin, Paris and Washington. His brother Simon Sebag - Montefiore.


  • ENIGMA - The battle for the code. Cassell Military Paperbacks, London, 2004. ISBN 0-304-36662-5
  • Dunkirk - Fight to the last man. Penguin, 2007. ISBN 0-14-102437-2