
  • 5.2 Additional literature

Appearance and leaves

The alternate and spirally arranged or distichous leaves on the branches are divided into a short petiole and leaf blade one. The leaves can smell aromatic. The leathery leaf blades are simple with pinnate and Netznervatur. The leaf margins are smooth, notched, or sawn. The stomata are anomocytisch or paracytisch. If stipules are present then they are small and fall off early.

Inflorescences and flowers

Most zymöse partial inflorescences are arranged in lateral or rarely terminal paniculate inflorescences total. The hermaphrodite flowers radial symmetry or slightly zygomorphic and fünfzählig double perianth ( perianth ). The durable five sepals are fused at the bottom of a thick tube or cup; the free part consists of five or three ( because two are often suppressed ) calyx lobes. The five petals are thick and free standing together imbricate or twisted; they can be durable or transient. There are 10 to 30 or Vantanea 40 to 100 stamens present. The one standing in circles to five stamens (filaments ) are grown on a large part of their length into a tube or in bundles, but they are not fused with the petals. It may be fertile or part is converted to staminodes all stamens. The pollen grains usually have three or rarely apertures and are rarely Porat or mostly colporat. It is a intrastaminaler discus available.

Most five (four to seven) carpels are usually fused into a permanent top, ( four to seven ) fünfkammerigen ovary. The ovary chamber, one or two hanging, epitrope or anatrope, bitegmische, crassinucellate ovules available. The style ends in a ( four -to seven - ) usually five-lobed or rarely simple scar.

The mostly one-, two-seeded drupe rarely has more or less fleshy exocarp and a woody endocarp, which is often ornamented by channels, these channels can be filled with resinous substances. The seeds have plenty of oily endosperm and a slightly curved or straight embryo. The fruits are eaten by rodents ( Rodentia ), tapirs, primates, birds and Fledertieren, the spread of diasporas thus occurs through Endochorie.


Up on a tropical West African species ( Sacoglottis gabonensis ( Baill. ) Urb. ) All other species occur only in the Neotropics. The center of diversity is the Amazon basin. They thrive mainly in lowland or mountain rain forests.

Various genres could be described fossil, but Herrera et al. 2010 rejected all fossil record outside of South America as not belonging to the family.

Adrien Henri Laurent de Jussieu summarizes Augustin François César 1829 in Prouvençal de Saint- Hilaire's Flora Brasiliae meridional ( quarto ed ) 2, p 87, the then-known species of the genera Humirium (now Humiria ) Helleria (now classified in Vantanea ) and Sacoglottis first meeting in the new family Humiriaceae. The Humiriaceae were asked earlier than subfamily in the Linaceae, but are now treated as a separate family. A synonym for Humiriaceae Juss. is Houmiriaceae Juss.

The family contains eight genera Humiriaceae with about 50 to 55 species:

  • Duckesia Cuatrec. With the only kind: Duckesia verrucosa ( Ducke ) Cuatrec. The home is the northern Brazil.
  • Endopleura uchi ( Huber) Cuatrec. The home is the northern Brazil.
  • Hylocarpa heterocarpa ( Ducke ) Cuatrec. The home is the northern Brazil.

Many types of wood used. Some types of medical effect was studied as a drug, the bark and / or continue to scan the leaves used. They have edible fruits. The balsam -like plant juice and the oil of the seeds are used.


  • The Humiriaceae in APWebsite family. ( Section systematics and description)
  • The Humiriaceae family at DELTA by L. Watson & MJ Dallwitz. ( Description section )
  • Fabiany Herrera, Steven R. Manchester, Carlos Jaramillo, Bruce MacFadden, silanes A. da Silva - Caminha: Phytogeographic history and phylogeny of the Humiriaceae, In: International Journal of Plant Sciences, Volume 171, No. 4, 2010, p 392 -408. ( Section systematics, distribution and description)
  • Luiz Carlos da Silva Giordano: Neotropical Humiriaceae at Neotropikey. ( Section systematics, description and use)