Hunor and Magor

Hunor and Magor were, a famous Hungarian legend, the ancestors of the Huns and Magyars.

In this legend is about a magic deer ( Csodaszarvas ) to try to hunt the two princes Hunor and Magor. Hunor and Magor were said to be the sons of Nimrod and Japheth, are said to have lived in the Crimea on the Black Sea. The deer suddenly disappears without a trace. Hunor and Magor suddenly hear heavenly songs and follow the songs, until they encounter a lake, swimming in the very pretty young girl. The girls take screaming to escape, two of them to have been daughters of the Alans - Prince Dula. The Prince riding behind. The four meet. Instant inflamed passionate love. Hunor married then the one that Magor the other, the descendants of Hunor are Huns, the Magor are the Magyars ( Hungarians ).

Whether the historical Huns and Magyars were actually related to each other, can not be proven today. However, the legend is a collective memory of the Hungarians to their early relationships with their former Caucasian and Proto -Bulgarian Hun neighbors dar. As an example of the Hun name " Attila " and " Bleda " are to this day quite popular male name in Hungary. In this (possibly erroneous ) connection with the Huns also is common in many European languages ​​letters of the country name with " H " goes back, see German ( outdated ) Hungarians; French Ungarn; English Hungary.
