I (pronoun)

I is the term for their own separate individual identity of a human person, rejecting the self of giving evidence. Example: "I think, therefore I am", by Rene Descartes: cogito ergo sum. In the linguistic use of a reference the ego is involved in the notion of deixis ( here - now - I - Origo ), which corresponds to the grammatical function of a first person in the singular.

  • 3.1 criticism

Experience of the ego

The I experienced man as one's own being in the forms of expression of thought, feeling and action, summarily of everything perceptible, and considers itself insofar as the author thereof. The ego is perceived as carriers of personality, which determines the structure of the person primarily. In this sense it is understood as a real seiender source or essence of self or self- creation.

The experience of the ego involves the experience of man as an autonomous being, as individuality. Thus, the man considered himself competent, as literate beings, so that the right to self-determination is entitled in principle. Thus, this experience of the ego is on the one hand the basis for the recognition of human dignity and the shaping of human rights, on the other hand is due to the influences of the internal states and the external stimuli on the ego. , The danger of self-centeredness in the experience of the ego From this out the possibly existing own boundaries between the so-called good and evil, and possibly also the relevant limits can no longer be perceived or accepted in the others, and so comes to border crossings and / or immoral / unethical realizations, which usually experiences of suffering, conflicts in individual people, but also between individuals and also of interest groups against each other, lead to.

In deep sleep, no conscious experience of the ego is experienced - and thus also raises the uncertain question of whether there can be an experience of the ego after death or whether I may have eternal life, but to the death of his biological unit in it exists, depends on the selfsame, so that is also from the natural sleep of the biological unit is dependent; or whether the ego is ego- experience the same or whether there are different forms of experience of the ego. In the experience of the ego may also be present the experience of the self - doubt. Questions in this regard can be: "Is that what I am doing right" " Do I want the be, as I see myself right now," "I have only one each partial I - picture of me ( my ego), the my perfect I do not match, or am I just hallucination / illusion and there is I do not at all that as a real being? " " is the experience of the ego is a product of evolution in a this-worldly reality or the experience in a different or otherworldly reality or the result of a, mixture ' of both? "

Humanities views

The category of I is given special consideration in the philosophical system of Johann Gottlieb Fichte, come with at least a scientific claim it was the first time in the psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud. In modern psychology that rejects introspection as unscientific method, the term is no longer used, instead, one explored by objective methods the self.

The ego in Freud's psychoanalysis

Sigmund Freud was the first to systematically dealt with the ego. His structural model of the psyche, according to the human psyche is divided into three parts:

  • The id or id, the vegetative part of the psyche, which always remains in the unconscious and includes the basic instincts and impulses of man.
  • The super-ego or super - ego, which assumes the function of the conscience and the ego derives ( cf. ideal ego ). It is regarded by Freud as the remnants of parental authority in childhood.
  • The ego or ego, which referred to the Freud consciously experienced. This ego is influenced both by the superego and the id and mediates between these two instances.

Whom I will be awarded a special significance in the genesis of mental illness in the development of psychoanalysis, ego psychology. Especially Anna Freud and Heinz Hartmann have the ego as an instance differentiated in more detail. Here, especially the defense mechanisms and ego functions are mentioned. The defense mechanisms described by Anna Freud and in many cases further developed to describe the ability of the ego to ward off uncomfortable feelings and thoughts in different ways, so they are the consciousness no longer directly accessible.

Hartmann, who is regarded as the true founder of ego psychology has, in particular, highlighted the functions of the ego and described the development of the ego. The functions of the ego develop mainly in the absence of conflict, the so-called conflict-free ego sphere.

Today, one can distinguish different ego functions ( Bellak and Meyers after ):

  • Reality Check
  • Judgments
  • Sense of reality
  • Regulation of drive and affect
  • Object relations
  • Thinking
  • Adaptive regression in the service of the ego
  • Defense
  • Stimulus barrier
  • Autonomy
  • Synthetic functions
  • Coping skills ( or coping strategy )

The self in the symbolic interactionism

A great value I took the one in the developed in the U.S. micro-sociological theory of symbolic interactionism. This theory was based on the philosophical direction of pragmatism that identifies the man as an active being that his world construct themselves through interaction with itself. In other words, without the individual the world does not exist.

In symbolic interactionism the theories of Charles Cooley, George Herbert Mead and Erving Goffman are indicative.

Charles Cooley was the first to concern itself with the ego in the context of this theory. For him, the self, or the ego, solely in the interaction of the individual with his environment is created. His model is called, since the individual according to his theory defined by the way it is perceived by other people as well Looking- glass self (such as " mirror - I ").

George Herbert Mead was based on a similar theory. According to William James, there are two dimensions of the self, the I and the ME. The ME is roughly equivalent to the mirror I Cooley, it consists of the reflection with the detour via the society in the form of standards and rules. The I, however, is an autonomous, unpredictable, individual dimension of the self. This I as a process that looks at the Me corresponds most closely to the understanding of the ego by Jane Loevinger. This has been researching in your model of ego development, as the ego develops in various stages of personal growth. Here is loud Mead human creativity. I and ME are in permanent interaction with each other.

Erving Goffman sees the ego, however, in his so-called Dramaturgische model as a kind of actor that takes on different forms in different situations. According to Goffman, it is impossible that I really define a person because of this I can take on various roles in the self-reflection.

Self-awareness in the animal kingdom

Generally, it is assumed that only the man is aware of his ego. Some scientific studies suggest that even for various species of monkeys, dolphins, elephants and magpies have a sense of self. This will be done, among other things, that recognize specimens of this species in the mirror itself.


It is above, relatively old studies assert that by the terms ego, consciousness and self- consciousness does not arbitrarily mixed and therefore may not be used misleading. Thus, the human ego would be the perception of the essence of man, who sees the image that he has of himself, in his own self-awareness (ie, not as in the above animal studies in a material mirror ). Certain higher animals can indeed exercise their appearance in a mirror, but unlike in the people they have no knowledge about themselves, because they would need to self-confidence, which again I presupposes. I - realization is consciousness, the existence of the ego and the self-awareness ahead, but not - as in the above animals - only (self-) perception solely on the basis of a consciousness. The above pair of terms self-awareness is therefore a contradiction in itself, the related use in animals with regard to their own I - knowledge would therefore impermissible attempt to " humanize " animals. Here is a famous example of undue projection of the so-called " human" in Animals: The behavioral scientist and Nobel Prize winner Konrad Lorenz had initially believed to be discovered in monkeys skills in his early research years, which was later criticized by some of his fellow scientists, and then refuted with him. Thereupon Lorenz turned to in his conduct research only fish and birds, as their appearance reminded him a lot less than jenige the monkeys to man. Lorenz came up with the help of his colleagues namely to the conclusion that he improperly " humanized " the studied monkeys because of their visual similarity with humans. This Vermenschlichungs error was him, as he later noted, even much earlier already happened in behavioral investigations on its own, the best " familiar" it home dogs. According to the findings disproved monkeys he checked his relevant, previous research results to Dog completely " foreign" dogs. He came to the conclusion that had led the familiarity towards his own dogs in the studies as well as in the monkeys to an unacceptable human projection.

The Self in the spiritual realm

Transcending, the deliberate clarification of I (ego) and Self, is the main theme and goal in Hinduism and Buddhism. The student ( chela ) a spiritual path in Hinduism (eg yoga) recognizes that his ego in the " inner self " ( the Atman ) dissolves and so the unit takes place with the Divine (Brahman ) as self-knowledge. This exemption is called Moksha, often translated in the West with enlightenment. In Buddhism, however, the existence of a soul and of something divine is denied (see anatta ), all phenomena are ultimately emptiness and the way is only an awakening to a knowledge of reality.

This experience is called Samadhi in Hinduism, in Japanese Buddhism satori. All yoga practice (jnana - yoga, Raja - Yoga) is only used this deception to overcome its own separated existence of the self ( ego ). There are in the experience of one's self the lighting experience of the One without a second ( enlightenment experience ).

The I (ego) are on his delusion existence and becomes one with the whole ( with the spiritual light of eternal life ). In fact, "will" is not one: Since the I (ego) has actually never existed, this unity is experienced after releasing of the illusion of "I" as an all-encompassing bliss in the eternal light.

In the original ( Theravada ) Buddhism this spontaneous enlightenment experience exists even, but ultimately understood as deception or no lasting value. The "small gate" ( Lankavatara Sutra ) of the experience of enlightenment there is only a first contact with the beschreitenden by exercise path, and not a desirable state ( cf. Arhat ).

Appropriate lighting experiences have input into the religious literature of all cultures have been found, although they are not universally understood as a central experience of God. This self-awareness is also described in the Bible in John: "God is light and in him is no darkness at all. " Next Jesus is laid in a set in the mouth, by which he meant himself, but also the principle of self-knowledge: "The light shines in darkness (ego), and the darkness comprehended it not. " Also the sentence above the entrance to the oracle of Delphi Know thyself, attributed as imperative as a guiding principle to Socrates, is about the transcendence of the ego towards the Divine Self ( light).

In the Christian area especially the mystic Joel S. Goldsmith ( † 1964) is worth mentioning that describes the philosophical foundations down for the release of the human self ( ego ) to the divine self in his books:

  • The Mystical I
  • The thunder of silence
  • The infinite way

In psychology, the Sufis ( Islamic mystics ), there are seven different stages of the self ( Arabic: nafs ) is the lowest an-nafs al - Ammara, the lower self, the highest an-nafs al - safiya, the pure ego. In between the stations of the God -seekers are on the way to divine unity ( tawhid ).

Works entitled " I "

"I " was the planned title of Max Stirner's main work, which was published in 1844 as The Ego and His Own. What remains is "I " in it as the title of the Second Division, which constitutes the greater part of the book and Stirner's reputation has established as a " philosopher of the ego ."

"I " is a book by Werner Siefer and Christian Weber, which was released in 2006 by Campus Verlag. There, I, among others, from a psychological perspective is considered.

"I " is the title of the 34th band of Karl May's collected works, published by Karl May Verlag. The volume contains in part by someone else edited autobiographical writings, including the 1910 published autobiography, My Life and Aspirations.

"I I I " is a novel by Robert Gernhardt (1937-2006), published by S. Fischer, 2003.

"I " is a novel by Wolfgang Hilbig, which appeared in 1993 and has autobiographical elements.

On the south bank of the Main in Frankfurt is the ego monument, which was designed by Hans Traxler and inaugurated on 24 March 2005. On a board Traxler has his idea illustrates that the monument plinth anyone can use to be photographed it, and added the comment: Every person is unique. This is also true for all animals ..

" Ich Ich " is a German pop music project, which consists of the musicians Annette Humpe and Adel Tawil.

"I " as a word

As word plays "I " in communicating a specific role, where it related to a "you" occurs or "something" tells about a thing or third person. For psychology or sociology and in talks, it is interesting to see if and when the "I" is paraphrased has (such as "man" or "we"), and to what extent this have to do with insecurity and self- esteem. Some speakers use so instead of the personal pronoun " I ", the indefinite pronoun "one" to generalize their own situation, for example in regular sequences. " It is late, eats lunch and is still tired. " See also grammar, singular.

The word I seem to play no significant role in proverbs and sayings. Where to German proverbs glossary is several hundred proverbs / phrases for other words in Wanders, so traveling for the word has, I found only 26 in the German language area. ( For example: I and the donkey are dropped along the stairs. )

The "I" in the proverb

The "I" in the proverb is a rarity. Powered Wanders German proverbs glossary to some words hundreds of proverbs or versions, there are the "I " just 26


The mind-body problem is a philosophical question, which deals with the design of the self: Am I my body as biomachine is that I my soul or am I a state of being both including, possibly even regardless of my material substance can exist ( see, eg Eternal Life ). The neurology and brain research assets, the mind-body problem can not be objectified or explain, and so it remains a domain of metaphysics and explanation subject of religion. See also in Immanuel Kant:

"I, as thinking, am an object of the internal sense, and hot soul. That which is an object of the external senses is called body. "
