Iberian Romance languages

As Ibero-Romance languages ​​Romance languages ​​are called, are spoken in the Iberian Peninsula and are developed from the Vulgar Latin. These are the Spanish, Portuguese, Galician, Aragonese and Asturleonesische.

Catalan is counted by some linguists even to the Ibero-Romance languages ​​, others associate it with the other hand, the Gallo-Roman languages ​​. It can be seen as a kind of bridge between the two language Romance language groups.

The Mozarabic dialects which were spoken in the medieval Moorish al - Andalus represent the oldest Ibero-Romance language forms Represents the Mozarabic text corpus is handed down to us mainly in Aljamiado manuscripts, in the Hargas, Andalusian girls songs from the 11th and 12th century, the oldest examples of Romanesque poetry at all.

A special feature is the Jewish Spanish ( Ladino ), which is spoken by only a few Sephardic Jews, especially in Turkey and Israel.
