IBM WebSphere MQ

MQSeries is a platform independent middleware software company IBM, which was introduced in 1994 and is based on the principle of message queuing. The product sold by IBM under the name now " WebSphere MQ ".

The concept of Message Queueing (on German as: " message queue " ) allows programs to communicate across a network of different hardware and software components. The programs can exchange information without a direct connection between them. The communication takes place by the programs their messages in message queues ( German " message queue " ) take and remove it.

MQSeries joins messages in queues ( queues), from where the receiver application can pick them up asynchronously (a type of mail boxes with FIFO rule ).

  • Benefits of MQSeries: Exchange of messages between heterogeneous applications on different platforms
  • Many platforms are supported (eg, workstation, host, desktop, i5 )
  • Asynchronous data transmission
  • Prevalence
  • MQSeries provides default OAM (Object Authority Manager) and SSL Security for Communications
  • Security mechanisms are not set up by default, but must be set up separately

WebSphere MQ supports Security ". Supports industry standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL ) security and offers on Extended Security Edition for advanced security features" ()

Message Queue Interface ( MQI)

The programming interface is called MQI. It provides the following functions:

  • MQCONN - connect to the queue manager
  • MQDISC - disconnect from the queue manager
  • MQOPEN - Open Message Queue
  • MQCLOSE - Close Message Queue
  • MQGET - Reading from the Message Queue
  • MQPUT - Writing in Message Queue
  • MQPUT1 - open, write & Close
  • Begin transaction - MQBEGIN
  • MQBACK - Reduce transaction
  • Confirm transaction - MQCMIT
  • Query Attributes of an MQ object - MQINQ
  • Set attributes of an MQ object - MQSET