Ilarion Makariopolski

Hilarion Makariopolski ( Bulg Иларион Макариополски ), born as Stoyan Stoyanov Mihajlovsky ( Bulg Стоян Стоянов Михайловски; * 1812 in Elena, † June 4, 1875 in Constantine Opel ) was a Bulgarian clergyman, activist in the struggle for an independent Bulgarian church and the Bulgarian National Revival. Makariopolski was close friends with the freedom fighter Georgi Rakovsky and with Christ Stambolski. He had an older brother Nicholas, the father of Stojan Mihajlovsky was.

In 1858 he was elected bishop of the Bulgarian community in Constantinople Opel.

On 3 Apriljul. / April 15 1860greg. during the so-called " Easter Special " took Bishop Hilarion Makariopolski in the Bulgarian church " St. Stefan " in Constantinople Opel at the Easter service a demonstrative act by he failed in the liturgically prescribed naming the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Opel and instead in prayer "of the all Orthodox episcopate " imaginary. In the ecclesiastical canons of this act was the turning away from the church leader, the Patriarch Konstantinopoler equated. Since other Bulgarian dignitaries followed his example, Hilarion Makariopolski again (1861-1864) was exiled with other priests in the Hilandar monastery.

He died in 1875 and was buried in Constantinople Opel.
