Immaculée Ilibagiza

Immaculée Ilibagiza (born 1972 ) is a Rwandan author. It belongs to the ethnic group of Tutsi and is Roman Catholic. Her first book, Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust (English remained to tell: God amidst the Rwandan Holocaust discover ) from 2006 is an autobiographical work in which she describes in detail how she genocide in Rwanda survived. Except for her eldest brother Aimable her entire family (mother, father and two brothers ) was killed.

Worldwide disseminated Immaculée their message and makes speeches about the massacre. In 2007 she was awarded the Mahatma Gandhi Reconciliation and Peace Award.


  • Immaculée Ilibagiza ( with Steve Erwin ): Left to Tell. Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust. Hay House, Carlsbad CA 2006, ISBN 1-4019-0896-9.
  • Immaculée Ilibagiza ( with Steve Erwin ): Led by Faith. Rising from the Ashes of the Rwandan Genocide. Hay House, Carlsbad CA 2008, ISBN 978-1-4019-1887-3
  • Immaculée Ilibagiza: Our Lady of Kibeho. Mary Speaks to the World from the Heart of Africa. Hay House, Carlsbad CA 2008, ISBN 978-1-4019-2378-5.