Immortal Zugzwang Game

The Immortal Zugzwangpartie is one of the most famous chess games in the history of chess. It was won by Aaron Nimzowitsch with the black pieces. The white stones led Friedrich Sämisch.

It was played in the 7th round of the international tournament in Copenhagen in 1923. Nimzowitsch won the tournament.


Zugzwang means that Zugpflicht leads to deterioration of the position. Zugzwang is more common in the final, rarely in the middle game and only when strictly positionellem game accessible. Therefore, Nimzowitsch was rightly proud of his achievement.

Nimzowitsch about the game

" May it please forgive me my dear colleague Sämisch, if I perceive any opportunity to publish this game, which is in Denmark as the immortals Zugzwangpartie ' known. But I have no choice, because with regard to its spirit of sacrifice, however, seems entirely unconventional, it is just as characteristic of our times, like the Immortal game 'for the Anderssen age. Today, however, we sacrifice, to bring about the prophylaxis or to any blockade ... and not with brute force. Brutality is not in. "

The game Sämisch - Nimzowitsch

The Women's Indian Defence.

Here today usually 7 ... Nf6 -e4 is played.

White plays haphazard and Black takes the initiative.

With 24 ... Tf2 - e2 25 De3 -b3 Bb5 -a4 black could win decisive material. But Nimzowitsch had other things in mind.
