
The term industrialization called techno-economic processes of transition from agrarian to industrial modes of production, in which the machine production of goods and services interspersed. Industrialization revolutions is used as a historical era meaning in the context of the era of European industrialists, which originated from England.

Industrialization generally referred to the introduction and spread industrially - mechanical modes of production and distribution of goods and services, with the result of a dwindling share of agricultural production in favor of manufacturing in an economy

Industrialization began in England during the second half of the 18th century. Later it spread gradually to other countries in Europe and North America since the mid-20th century, increasingly, in Asia and Latin America.

Following the sector classification of Jean Fourastié (see Three - sector hypothesis, business sector ):

So everywhere industrialization processes starting from the secondary sector occurred.

England as the mother country of industrialization

In England, absolutism and the basic rule had been relaxed earlier than in other European countries, compulsory guild no longer existed in contrast to German countries for a long time. Thus, the conditions for the free propagation of trade, capital formation and technological renewal were created. Milestones were the invention of the steam engine (invented by Thomas Newcomen in 1712, significant development in 1769 by James Watt ) and of spinning machine (Spinning Jenny ), mechanical loom and machine tool and the puddle process in iron production. The invention of the steam locomotive and the first public railways already formed the end of the (first ) industrial revolution in England.

Enabling factors

  • Capital Education Economy
  • Infrastructure: In England, the importance of the use of waterways was significantly earlier than in other states recognized ( sewer ) and the railroad. Consequently, and due to the insularity of England, had this earlier than any other country in a well-developed channel network.
  • Sufficient raw materials, especially iron ore, coal and cotton from the colonies. Added to this was the convenient location of natural resources in the country that were spatially close enough to use it effectively.
  • Adequate supply of labor. The changes in agriculture eluded many small farmers livelihoods, who moved subsequently in the developing industrial centers.
  • Markets by growing demand for textiles ( clothing )
  • Suppression of economic competition in its position as a world and colonial power, such as the Indian cotton industry.
  • Large commercial and naval fleet, which served for the shipment of goods and raw materials and the Seemachtinteressen
  • In comparison to autocracies greater power of the bourgeoisie in the constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy
  • Powerful agriculture to supply the rapidly growing population and a capital base
  • In addition, the Calvinist religion of many people favored continuing efforts to work and become rich if possible.


The manufacturing sector is losing economic importance. This is due to structural shifts between the industrial sector and the service sector ( tertiary sector ). This in turn can be attributed to a change in strategy of the company, which cause a shift in the division of labor: a return to core competencies, outsourcing, reorganization of large enterprises by " downsizing". These processes have come to the conclusion that from large companies small decentralized units are formed and many previously enterprise- internal services from external, independent service company. Changes in economic conditions, such as the development of information and communication technologies that allow such changes. The same are responding well to changing demand preference ( approximately toward more product-related consulting and maintenance), accelerating product introduction ( time-to -market). In addition, a more positive attitude may have evolved towards cooperation.

Former industrial plants and buildings are often obtained as industrial monuments, for example Voelklinger hut or the blast furnaces at Esch Belval.

Today's meaning

Industrialization is used as a term for the current standardization / automation of procedures / processes. As an example, the software development is called: When programming is no object in the traditional sense is made. The manufacture of the product software can be considered as a small-scale operations in many companies, as it is different each time, and individually made. Goal of industrialization is to standardize common production elements so that they can be used more effective, productive and uniform. Only if the individual phases are characterized, for example, parts can be delivered as offshoring activity.

Early on during the industrialization of an industry criticism voiced that later became an ecological criticism.

Correlates and consequences of industrialization

As the industrialization of the following effects can be called the urbanization, the shift from self- ( subsistence agriculture ) for foreign utility company, declining birth rate, prosperity ( in industrialized nations ), but also increasing environmental pollution and global warming in particular.
