Infancy Gospel of Thomas

The Infancy Gospel according to Thomas (abbreviated KThom ) pretends to be " a series of episodes from the youth of Jesus to report ". There is an apocryphal work, which is found in almost all Apokryphensammlungen. You probably originated at the end of the 2nd century. Its author is not identified, but is stated in most manuscripts as " Thomas the Israelite ". The Infancy Gospel is not to be confused with the more well-known nowadays Gospel of Thomas.


It is reported from childhood deeds of Jesus of Nazareth: After KThom Jesus was capable of not only since he moved out into the desert, but a very early stage miraculous work. The paper reports mainly of healings by the child Jesus. However, they also reported value-neutral miracles and destructive deeds of the young Jesus.

  • So Jesus is shaped as a five year old on Shabbat twelve sparrows of clay and they have come to life.
  • Jesus should have let wither like a tree in a fit of rage the son of Annas, because the boy was bothering him while playing.
  • Indignation, to Joseph, to give the child to the scholar Zacchaeus decides about the deeds of the baby Jesus ( 1:5). He tries in vain to teach Jesus is ashamed of this (1.6 ), and finally resignation: " I pray thee, then, brother Joseph, bring that child back into your house. Because this is a great thing, a God or an angel, I do not know how to say it. "
  • As a six- year-old Jesus is said to have accidentally broken a pitcher of water at the well. Then he filled the water in his robe and wore it without losing a drop of water to his mother's home.

Overall, should Jesus have acted powerfully with his words, so that " every word that he spoke, whether good or evil, an act was a miracle and was " (5.2 minimally moved).

Manuscripts and origin

The gospel was widely used in Greek, Syriac, Hebrew, Latin, Georgian and Old Bulgarian manuscripts. We are of different lengths Greek versions that have numerous text deviations. The best-known version with 19 chapters goes back to Tischendorf. It is unclear what language the script was written in the original.


The Infancy Gospel according to Thomas looked " like analog texts stimulating effect on the performing arts and literature legend since the High Middle Ages ."

Literary assessment

The infancy gospels are generally to be considered as " evidence of popular piety ," but can not be used as a historically analyzable sources. The KThom " vividly describes how a child's life, even as the Son of God and equipped with all the power that comes to the world might look like. [ ... ] A special attraction arises from the fact that in ancient times, childhood is essentially determined by power and lawlessness, and that this does not apply to Jesus. "

