Information and communications technology

Information and communication technology (ICT; also information and communication technology, ICT technology, information and communication technology; English and in Switzerland often used: information and communication technology, ICT) is technology in the field of information and communication.

Technical capacity

Information and communication technology can be used for three types of applications: first, the transmission of information through space ( from place A to place B, pronounced " communication "); 2 the transmission of information through time ( from moment one moment after 2, pronounced " storage "); and third, the controlled transformation of information in space and time by an algorithm (pronounced "Computer Calculations" ).

Historical development of the concept

The summary term originated in the early 1980s when it was begun to digitize the telephone networks, and in both the digital terminals of the networks as well as in the local public transport networks and even information technology was used. Services such as teletext, videotex and dedicated data networks such as Datex- L and Datex -P emerged at this time. It developed the idea that the originally very different industries information technology on the one hand, at that time mainly focused on wholesale and office computers, and communication technology on the other, the mainly dealt with the telephone network would grow together to form a new large industrial complex. In the German Association beings were, accordingly, the groups that represent the industries, merged and renamed.

From the 1990s, a rapidly growing diversification has developed in both areas, the end is not yet in sight. The basic techniques have not only detects these areas, but also in a wide range of other industries ( of vehicle technology for home automation) led to a still-growing product variety.

Since 2000, the term " ICT" has (as IP networks ), and increasingly in communication technology (as IP telephony ) in policy, management, and particularly in by the large spread of the Internet and the central role of IP-based services in the IT the eponymous Industries regained importance.

Information and communication technology is also defined as a cover term that includes any communication tool or communication media, including radio, television, mobile phones (cell phones ), the hardware and software for computers and networks, satellite systems, etc. as well as the various services and applications with these things are connected.
