Ingeborg von Kusserow

Ingeborg von Kusserow Ingeborg Wells ( born January 28, 1919 in Wolsztyn ) is a German actress.


Ingeborg Kusserow comes from an old noble family east of the Elbe. You already got a dance and ballet training as a child. From the early 1930s, she performed at the Oper Berlin and at the Metropol Theater and Schlossparktheater. Her film debut was in 1936 in the film The Court concert. In addition and occasionally leading roles she put young, capricious women and girls of the society dar.

In November 1941, she married Earl Percy Welsburg. In 1947 she left Germany with her husband and settled in Britain, where she, her film career continued from 1950 under the pseudonym Ingeborg Wells, which leaned on the name of her husband. In the English theater they played mostly foreigners. Your most important role this time was the lifting of the maid in Raoul Walsh's The King's Admiral.

In 1960 Ingeborg von Kusserow withdrew into private life.

