Innocent of Alaska

Innokenty Weniaminow (Russian Иннокентий Вениаминов, secular Иван Евсеевич Попов Jewsejewitsch Ivan Popov, in the literature often Ivan Veniaminov; . * 26 Augustjul / September 6 1797greg in Aga in Irkutsk, . † 31 Märzjul / April 12 1879greg. . in Moscow), later known as Saint Innocent of Alaska or Moscow, was a priest, Archbishop, Metropolitan and missionary of the Russian Orthodox Church.

He played at the same time for research into the languages ​​and culture of the northern Pacific region, especially with regard to the Ethnography of the Aleuts and Tlingit, an important role. Among others, he has Bible texts translated into several languages ​​and Aleut worked as a missionary on the island of Unalaska. His depictions of life in the Aleutians are important testimonies of the now largely destroyed culture of the Aleutian Islands. In 1977 he was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church.
