International economic law

The International Business Law is the legal regime for international economic relations, for example, by States, international organizations and private transport of goods and services. Characteristic of the international economic law is an overarching consideration of the interaction of national and international law, private and public legal norms.

The functions generally correspond to the principles of national economic law, that is, order, justice, control, pacification, added more harmonization for the purpose of reducing transaction costs and ensuring minimum standards (for example, wages and quality) as well as liberalization. Just as the German law distinguishes the International Business Law between public and private law. There are also international treaties and the law of so-called regional economies (eg the European Union) as sources of law.

Attempts by individual states to enforce particular interests by lobbying, the practice of international commercial law more difficult. The policy can by embargoes, sanctions, and take war as a " last resort " significant impact on international trade deals.
