International Standard Archival Authority Record

ISAAR (CPF ) (for International Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons, and Families ) is a retired from the International Council on Archives standard for standard files in archives.

A first edition was developed in the years 1993-1995 and published in 1996. The second, current 2004 edition includes an appendix for connection of authority entries after ISAAR (CPF ) and archival distortion according to ISAD (G).

Based on this standard Aktenbildner can be described. Thus, the requirement is met to document origin ( principle of provenance ), context and use of archival documents. One such authority can be assigned to multiple archives and interconnected ( linked ).


Meaning and purpose

The hazards arising from the ICA origin is the response to the need to create a standard which establishes the connection between authors and documents. As the ISAD ( G) it is applicable internationally and thus both the basis of the development as the creation of national standards in this area. By default, the possibility is created to manage separate context and content of archival documents. The importance of contextual information about the documents is thus taken into account and thus the "small" makes difference from other information providers, the part of the archival expertise, because of the subject matter. " The Further development of contextual information as to integral component of archival description and retrieval requires a data structure standard and format specific to this type of information thatwill enable archive ists to record it Consistently within and across repositories. "

The publication of the ISAAR (CPF ) is used to

  • Understanding of the importance of the relationship between content and origin of the documents of an author / agent acts,
  • Access to the entire tradition of an author / filing agent, even if present, the individual units neither logical nor physically as a unit,
  • Exchange of information on the units of an author between institutions, systems and / or networks.

The application of ISAAR (CPF ) enables the management and research of information about an entity, person or family through their description as a unit in a system. With the separate management of the information on the documents of an author / filing agent and to the information on this yourself, a time- independent detection can be ensured. In addition, the data collection is done only once, regardless of time and place.

This makes it possible

  • The development of corporate bodies, persons and families to understand
  • To document the documents themselves formed of an author / agent files and other sources about him or by him,
  • Desired access points ( criteria ) to define
  • Existing relations of authors / restore files formers with each other.

With the creation of the opportunity to develop context information in a system uniformly and manage, even here the perspective of a global user-oriented services offered by archives, regardless of time and place provides access to uniformly structured information and thereby a specific overarching research opens up allows.
