Internet Relay Chat flood

With Flood (English tide) in the IRC is sending too much text in too short a time to understand. This is often undesirable. In the simplest case are sent in by the chat participants too many rows, without indicating a meaningful chat. Most produced a flood but which the purpose and design of a chat are exceeded by the insertion of larger blocks of text or ASCII art graphics. If larger texts are transmitted in a chat, paste - services can be used therefor. However, a flood can also be a controlled inundation of an IRC server to paralyze the target so the attacked computer by overloading.

Flood as an attack

Flooding is a DDoS similar technique. When the same command is repeated DDoS sent to a computer in order to cause a crash. All IRC networks can be massively disrupted by DDoS attacks, so Floodings.

Flood in Chat

Deliberate Flooder use also programs such as so-called Chatfloodern, the texts entered send in a short time sequence. Thus, large amounts of data can be placed in a short time in a chat and disturb them. Meaning of these floods, for example, to annoy the other chat participants to provoke and / or to move to the exit from the channel. In case of heavy floods, there is no equivalent protection is no longer possible to chat, since their own messages and are no longer tell them apart from the chat partners from spam.

Floods can the IRC server to the significant impact since they are already at full capacity, especially in larger networks for normal chat mode. So may be caused by Floods additional costs, such as for data traffic. Flooder will not be tolerated in many chats and IRC networks long and IRC operators, as well as the Channel Operators usually opt for a quick kick or ban, so the forced exclusion of flooder from the chat.

Most IRC daemons (eg UnrealIRCd ) have a built- Flood filters, even anti -Flooder or anti- spammers called triggers an immediate G-Line, which captures the Flooder by the entire IRC network. Since some programs almost every second Flooding [ evidence ?] Change their IP address and / or your user name or reconnect through proxy connections, this has not always effective protection. Counter Registrations creates registrations at the known input a number and / or letter codes based on a random image Remedy ( see also captcha).
