Invisible Pink Unicorn

The Invisible Pink Unicorn (English invisible pink unicorn, abbreviation IPU) is the female deity of a fun religion that wants to parody theistic beliefs. The central element is the unicorn figure of the goddess, which should be both invisible pink paradoxically. The idea comes from the English alt.atheism newsgroup, where the figure was first mentioned on 18 July 1990.

The phenomenon reached especially in websites and online discussion forums with atheistic background a certain popularity, on the one hand probably based on the humorous element, but on the other hand also on the intended satirical critique of theism. Through the " confession " to the invisible pink unicorn is also to be shown that it is difficult if not impossible to refute the belief in phenomena that are outside of ordinary human perception capabilities.

With the invisible pink unicorn should be made aware of the supernatural to the poor logical underpinnings of faith, for example, by the mere substitution of the word "God" in theistic texts by the words "invisible pink unicorn ". In the FAQ of alt.atheism states:

" The point of this silliness is to lead the theists realize that their preaching atheists probably appear equally credible and serious as they themselves preaching the invisible pink unicorn through the atheists [ ... ] "


The IPU was apparently mainly popular in the net culture: In addition to alt.atheism where the IPU still often appears in discussions, there are some websites that are dedicated to the deity. The earliest detectable written record took place in 1990 in the Usenet newsgroup alt.atheism where the goddess " revealed" was. But there are other reports that the IPU was discussed already before 1990 in conversations. Presumably, the deity was thus already known before 1990.

The concept was developed from 1994 to 1995 by some college students on the ISCA mailbox. They wrote a manifesto (presumably now lost ), which establishes a detailed, nonsensical, yet internally consistent religion based on a plurality of invisible pink unicorns. For this manifesto comes one of the most known quotes:

" Invisible pink unicorns are creatures with great spiritual power. We know this because they are capable of pink at the same time and to be invisible. Like all religions based belief in the invisible pink unicorn on faith and logic: We believe that it is pink, but logically speaking, we know that it is invisible because we can not see it. "

Eleys manifesto explained some more bizarre aspects of the faith in the IPU, such as the preference for raisin bread ( symbolizing the expanding universe) and the connection to the lost socks. Eley called himself the " Supreme lawyer and spokesman " of religion, and identified a number of high priests, according to the belief that the one who wrote the Gospels, holds the real power, and never will be martyred. The first of these high priestesses was Natalie Overstreet, who introduced also the previous quotation by their Usenet signature.


Usually referenced in the discussion of the unicorn that because of its invisibility no one could prove his non-existence. The two defining characteristics of " invisibility " and " pink color " are inconsistent and contradictory, which is part of the satire.

There are among the alleged supporters disputes about other attributes of the invisible pink unicorn, for example, about whether the invisibility around just for those there who do not believe in the unicorn. In these partially tangled debates is often argued elaborately, whereby the seriousness of the complex theological disputes of various religions is parodied. Consensus is usually just about the appearing of a goddess at the most inconvenient alleged properties. How to cultivate a taste for pizza with ham and pineapple the unicorn. Some vegetarians deny this, claiming that the goddess fungi prefer the ham before, there is broad agreement about the pineapple, however. Likewise is generally accepted that the invisible pink unicorn salami spurned.

Another shared by most followers of view is that the invisible pink unicorn socks " raptured ". This should be the explanation for the otherwise inexplicable alleged disappearance of socks. The disappearance of socks from the laundry is interpreted by "believers" as a sign of affection of the goddess, but by others as a sign of their resentment. For some, it depends on the kind of rapt socks., " Sparkling wine critics " recommend, however, the reason for the missing pieces of clothing in the washing machine to search.

The body, which is taken in the Abrahamic religions of the devil, occupied in the religious worldview of the unicorn believers Purple oyster.

" And I saw the unworthiness in YOUR eyes, because I was a sinner, condemned to eke out my existence in the presence of the unholy Purple Oyster, to polish its shell and to massage her the worthless, slimy feet. For they verily has feet and legs and toes that give her dominion over the shells of the sea and allow her to convert to the children of the human race in order to seduce them to destruction. "

The Purple Oyster (English Purple Oyster, sometimes Purple Oyster of Doom - literally " Purple Oyster of Doom " ) is to once have been a servant of the invisible pink unicorn that was violated when he had seduced believers to heretical view that salami pizza with fungi of the goddess better liked than those with pineapple and ham. On the last day, the "Day of oats and hay ," the followers of the faith expect the settlement of hostility and re-entry of the oyster in the service of the goddess.

Infidels is supposed to punish the invisible pink unicorn loud Eleys manifest with engravings of his horn. Insect bites, commonly attributed to mosquitoes were not caused by these. The mosquitoes buzzed around only the Goddess and do not sting itself


Representations of the invisible pink unicorn usually show either a fading pink mythical beast or simply nothing. In photos of " sightings " that have been published as a joke on the web is always otherwise be recognized as an unspectacular view of the place where the examination is alleged to have taken place - the goddess herself is always " invisible".

Users of alt.atheism also designed a logo with a stylized unicorn head. Several vendors now sell T- shirts, coffee mugs and other products with this sign. A provider of this article describes the unicorn logo as a subtle means for atheists to identify like-minded people, without having to use a character that might offend religious people.

The name of the invisible pink unicorn is always accompanied in jocular discourse of corroborating epithets, reminiscent of the Islamic custom, accompanied by the name of the Prophet eulogies. These are often abbreviated. The following are common formulas with their translations and abbreviations.

  • "Blessed Be Her Holy Hooves " ( " Blessed be your holy hooves " ) / bbhhh
  • " Peace Be Unto Her" ( "Peace be with you " ) / pbuh
  • " May Her Hooves Never Be Shod " ( "May Her hooves never be shod " ) / mhhnbs

Similar phenomena

Science writer Carl Sagan developed in his book The dragon in my garage with the idea of an invisible dragon that spit fire heat -free.

From the U.S. freethinker movement is known that in the teaching of their summer camp (Camp Quest ) is discussed at comparable religion critical uses in addition to two inaudible unicorns a hypothetical "invisible green dragon ".
