Ion Ivanovici

Iosif Ivanovici (* 1845 in Timişoara; † 15 Septemberjul / Greg September 28 or 16 Septemberjul / September 29 1902greg in Bucharest, .. .. Well Ion Ivanovici or Josef Ivanovici ) was a Romanian composer. Ivanovici also acted in Galaţi and Bucharest as a military bandmaster and was appointed Inspector General of the Romanian military bands.

He wrote 350 Dances and Marches, but only his concert waltz Danube Waves ( Original title: Valurile Dunarii ) reached today great popularity. Ivanovici had paid him 1880, the young Sarah Friedman from Lugoj. On the cover of this composition he wrote in German language: ". Danube waltz by Josef Ivanovics devoted waves, and written for Miss Sarah Fried " in 1880, published in Bucharest first edition was dedicated to Emma Gebauer then, the wife of music publisher Constantin Gebauer. 1889, the waltz was performed in an orchestration of Emile Waldteufel at the World Exhibition in Paris, and took the audience by storm.

The waltz Danube waves has been repeatedly adapted as a film music:
