Ippolito Nievo

Ippolito Nievo ( born November 30, 1831 in Padua, † March 4, 1861 in the Tyrrhenian Sea in a shipwreck ) was an Italian writer.


Nievo was born as the son of the Mantuan official Antonio Marin and the nobles Adele Marin. His maternal grandfather, Carlo Marin, was a voting Venetian patrician in the Great Council of the Republic of Venice during its demise.

From 1841 Nievo attended the Catholic seminary Santa Anastasia in Verona. After that, he took classes at private schools in Cremona and Revere and put 1850 Abitur. After his return to his home Mantua Nievo wrote for the law school in Pavia in 1852 and began his law studies, which he completed in 1855 after a change to the University of Padua.

Disillusioned with the political situation in Italy, which was still partially occupied by foreign powers such as Austria or Spain, and divided into many principalities to Nievo went in 1855 after Colloredo di Montalbano and began there with initial work on his masterpiece Le Confessions d'un Italiano ( German: " The Confessions of an Italian " on ). In addition Nievo also worked as a journalist, as for the weekly newspaper Il Caffè. 1856 Nievo had to because of its universal in the Milan newspaper Il Panorama published story L' Avvocatino a court trial in Milan undergo. After returning in 1857 Colloredo di Montalbano Nievo went again to the writing of the historical novel Le Confessions d'un Italiano, which he completed in 1858, and in which he strongly argued for the Italian Risorgimento movement, which is a uniform, Italian National State wished. The work was, however, after Nievos death under the title Le Confessioni di un ottuagenario until 1867 ( Eng.: " The Confessions of an octogenarian " ) published.

Nievo also fought actively as a soldier for the Italian national movement. So he took since 1859 in the regiment of Cacciatori delle Alpi (German: " Alpini " ) on the side of Giuseppe Garibaldi on the second Italian War of Independence in part and also belonged to the volunteers from the famous train of the thousands who landed in 1860 under Garibaldi in Sicily. On 4 March 1861 he embarked on the old steamboat Ercole to Naples, but this never reached the port, so that the exact circumstances of his death Nievos remain in the dark.



  • Le lettere a Matilde Ferrari, 1848-1851


  • Versi, 1854
  • Le Lucciole. Canzoniere, 1858
  • Gli Amori Garibaldini, 1860

Political writings

  • Venezia e la libertà d' Italia, 1859

Novels and stories

  • Afrodisiaco per l' amor plato nico, 1851, posthumously published in 1956
  • La nostra famiglia di campagna, 1855
  • Il varmo, 1856
  • Angelo di bontà. Storia del passato secolo, 1856 German: An Angel Heart, trans. v. Otto Borchers, Grunow, Leipzig 1877 Translation by Barbara Kleiner: An Angel at goodness. Story from the vergangegenen century. Manesseplatz Verlag, Zurich / Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3-7175-2174-7.