Iraq Petroleum Company

The Turkish Petroleum Company ( TPC) in 1914 under the direction of Calouste Gulbenkian founded with the aim to obtain a concession from the Ottoman Empire for oil production in the territory of present-day Iraq.

Owner in 1914

The original stock shares distributed as follows:

  • Anglo-Persian Oil Company (BP ) 50 % ( The Brit D' Arcy had in 1901 obtained an oil production concession for 60 years by the Shah of Iran and found 1908 oil. When his consortium was almost broke, jumped the British Admiralty and took over the Anglo-Persian Oil to 51 percent in state ownership. It later became the British Petroleum. )
  • Anglo - Saxon Petroleum Co. ( Royal Dutch Shell ) 25%
  • German bank 25 % ( In the negotiations on the financing of the Baghdad Railway, the German bank in 1912 had received from the sultan a concession that the Baghdad Railway Company concessions on all oil and mineral deposits along a 20 km wide strip on either side of to Mosul reaching as right of way railway line secured. )
  • Calouste Gulbenkian 5%, Mr. Five Percent

The outbreak of the First World War in 1914 stopped all promotion plans.

Owner 1920-1928

After the First World War, the share of Deutsche Bank in April 1920 at the Conference of Sanremo was ( in which the Allies on the division of the Arab provinces of the Ottoman Empire agreed ) adopted by France. This then was the state Compagnie Francaise de Petrole (CFP ).

Along with the oil wells in Iran was thus the entire Middle East under British control.

In July 1928, the Red Line Agreement has been agreed.

The Anteilseingner the company were 1928 Anglo-Persian Oil Company (1935 renamed the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company ( AIOC ) and 1954 BP), Royal Dutch / Shell, Compagnie Française des Pétroles (CFP ) and Near Est Development Corporation ( a consortium of first five, after only two U.S. companies, Standard Oil company of New York ( Socony ) and the Standard Oil company of New Jersey ( Esso ) ). Each share group received 23.75 percent of the Turkish Petroleum Company; the remaining five percent received Calouste Gulbenkian.

Iraq Petroleum Company

1929, the TPC was renamed Iraq Petroleum Company.
