
Part 2: Data Structures and Guidelines for Languages Part 3: Models and representations of process and factory recipes Part 4: records for batch production

Part 2: 2003-10 Part 3: 2009-02 Part 4: 2010-02

ANSI/ISA-88 is a standard for batch-oriented driving style ( Batch Control ), which is often referred to as S88 or SP88. It is a design philosophy for software, equipment and the procedure. Part 1 was released in 1995 by ISA. ISA -88 was adopted by the IEC as IEC 61512. The standard is published in Germany as DIN standard DIN EN 61512.


Currently, the ISA -88 Batch-oriented driving style includes the following items:

  • Part 1: Models and Terminology ( 1995)
  • Part 2: Data Structures and Guidelines for Languages ​​( 2001)
  • Part 3: Models and representations of process and factory recipes (2003)
  • Part 4: Batch Production Records ( 2006)

ISA -88 provides consistent standards and terminology for batch-oriented driving style and defines the physical model, procedures and recipes. The standard would address the following problems: lack of a universal model for batch operation, communication difficulties with user requirements, integration of batch automation solutions from different suppliers and difficulties in configuring batch applications.

ISA - 88.01

The ISA - 88.01 is a standard which describes the batch production according to the following hierarchical models:

  • Process model (Process Model - Equipment and Recipes )
  • Physical Model (Physical Model - Equipment)
  • Procedural control model ( Procedural Control Model - Recipes )
  • Control, activity model ( Control Activity Model - Equipment And Recipes )
  • Recipes ( Recipe )

ISA - 88.01 was initially ISA S88 and has been adopted as IEC 61512-1 in 1997.


Process model

The standard defines a process model (process model) that a process ( process) contains, which consists of an ordered set of process stages (process stages ) is given, which consists of an ordered set of process operations (process operations) exist, which consists of an ordered set of process steps (process actions ) exist.

Physical Model

The physical model is hierarchically composed of the following layers:

The physical model (physical model) begins with the company (enterprise ) which is a plant (site) must contain that plant sections ( areas) can contain which assets (process cells) may contain components must contain a unit ( unit), may contain technical device ( equipment modules) may contain individual control (control modules).

Model of flow control

The model of flow control ( procedural control model ) consists of recipe procedures ( recipe procedures ), consisting of an ordered set of sub- procedures (unit procedures ), consisting of an ordered set of operations ( operations), consisting of an ordered set of functions ( phases ). Some levels can be omitted.


There are the following types of recipe:

  • Process recipe (general recipe ): general recipe for the entire company
  • Factory recipe ( recipe site ): Recipe for the location
  • Basic recipe (master recipe ) depends on the facilities ( Equipment) of the work
  • Control recipe (control recipe ).

The recipe contains:

  • Recipe header (header )
  • Material and production data ( formula )
  • Equipment Requirements ( equipment requirements )
  • Recipe procedure (procedure)
  • Other information needed for the recipe execution.

More models and features

In addition to structural definitions and models for batch control ISA -88 also offers features and models to:

  • Control Activities (Control Activities)
  • Recipe Management ( Recipe Management )
  • Production planning and scheduling (Production Planning and Scheduling)
  • Production information management (Production Information Management)
  • Process Control ( Process Management)
  • Part of system monitoring ( Unit Supervision )
  • Process Control ( Process Control)