Isengard (Norwegian band)

Isengard was a Norwegian music project of Darkthrone drummer Fenriz -. The name originates Isengard JRR Tolkien book The Lord of the Rings and is the country seat of the wizard Saruman. The logo is from the RPG MERS, it represents the vampire Thuringwethil represents (, woman from the secret shadow '), a character from Tolkien's book The Silmarillion.

As Fenriz of Dark Throne singing gave up, but still wanted to work as a singer, and some of his influences were not compatible with DARKTHRONE technical death metal style, he realized both with Isengard.

Most lyrics are influenced by Norse mythology. Although the pieces are held by Isengard simple, they differ, sometimes significantly. During the first demo Death Metal is near, others can be described as a mixture of black metal and elements of Norwegian folk music. Other songs have elements of these genres, but come without the typical guttural vocals and are the Pagan-/Viking metal close to or similar to the music of the band Storm in the Fenriz also participated. In an interview with Lucem fero in October 2007 Fenriz said that he did not understand why people like the music of Isengard so. Above all, be it the folk metal items that they preferred, while the death and doom metal elements Isengard estimates themselves.


  • Spectres over Gorgoroth (Demo, 1989)
  • Horizons (Demo, 1991)
  • Promo (Demo, 1991)
  • Vandreren (Demo, 1993)
  • Vinterskugge (1994, contains the demos except Promo)
  • Hostmorke (1995 )