ISO 3166-2:TL

The list of ISO -3166 -2 codes for East Timor contains the codes for the 13 districts.

The codes are composed of two parts which are separated by a hyphen. The first part is the country code according to ISO 3166-1 ( East Timor TL), the second is the code for the district again. The current country code is in the Newsletter II-3 dated 13 December 2011 (PDF ) last updated.

As East Timor finally became independent in on 20 May 2002, we changed the abbreviation TP ( Timor Português) to TL ( Timor- Leste ). This was announced in the third newsletter. Another change learned the codes in the fourth newsletter to change the official name of East Timor in Timor -Leste. In Newsletter II -3, the Tetum names of the code list have been added.
