Isolated pawn

As an isolated pawn or isolated pawns in chess is called a farmer who has no other farmers of their color on an adjacent more.

An isolated pawn can bring both advantages and disadvantages for the owner with it.

A centrally placed ISOLANI often provides an advantage in space, which can be used in the middle game for a kingside attack. Furthermore, an isolated pawn, if he is not sufficiently blocked, become a dangerous passed pawn. Advocate of ISOLANI was Siegbert Tarrasch. From him comes the statement: " Those who are afraid to play with an isolated farmers should stop with chess. "

In contrast, when the isolated pawn is attacked, it must be defended by high-order figures. These can fall into a passive position or missing at a different location. In addition, the field immediately in front of him is often used as a base for blocking enemy figures, since they can no longer be attacked by farmers there. The other party tries in such a situation to move on after minor piece Abtausch the final, where the isolated pawn without compensating factors for weakness. The transition to a position with hanging peasants may happen. It may therefore be a strategic disadvantage, allowing the isolation of a farmer. The Grand Master Savielly Tartakower coined because of the phrase " A ISOLANI darkened the mood on the whole chessboard. " He called the ISOLANI a " farmers without friends ."

Frequently and therefore well researched, the white isolated pawn on d4 and the field of black isolated pawn on d5 are. First authoritative studies to come from Wilhelm Steinitz. A typical position with white isolated pawn on d4 the field can be found in the game Botvinnik - Vidmar ( Nottingham 1936) - see diagram. The isolated pawn on d4 controls the c5 and e5 fields that white can use as bases for his characters.

  • Chess Strategy