Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions

The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (English Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, ICAHD ) is an Israeli civil rights group in Jerusalem, which campaigns for the rights of Palestinians in the occupied territories.

The main concern of the protests and non-violent actions of the group are the demonstration of violations of human rights, prevention of house demolitions and their Wiedereraufbau and an independent, equal Palestinian state. In addition, ICAHD called alternative offers tours through East Jerusalem, which include the separation wall, roads and tunnels to the Jewish settlements and places where Palestinian houses were destroyed. According to information the tours will allow a better understanding of the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis.

The organization was founded by Jeff Halper, a former professor of anthropology at Ben- Gurion University.

The committee is often represented by him and has offices in the U.S. and the UK. It is funded by donations and is supported by the European Commission.
