Ivan Ivanovich Petrov

Ivan Ivanovich Petrov (Russian: Иван Иванович Петров ), actually Hans Krause ( * February 29, 1920 in Irkutsk, † December 26, 2003 in Moscow) was a Soviet bass singer Russian-German origin.


He studied in Moscow and made his debut there in 1943. Until his voluntarily chosen career end of 1970, he was regarded as the greatest bass of his land next to or after Mark Ossipowitsch travel. As a technical and psychological interpretations of his exemplary figures Ivan Susanin apply ( A Life for the Tsar, 1960, conductor Boris Emmanuilovich Chaikin ) and Boris Godunov ( Boris Godunov, 1962, conductor Alexander Melik - Pashayev ). 1959 Petrov was raised to the People's Artist of the USSR.


  • Horst Seeger, Opera Encyclopedia, 4th edition, 1989, Henschelverlag Art and Society Berlin, GDR.