
The Concept d' Ivoirité (French for concept of ivoirité, or ivoirité and Ivorertum of French Ivorite ) is a nationalist and racist term in the Ivory Coast.

It defines who, in the opinion of the followers of this concept is considered as " Ivory Coast " and who is not. 1990 passports were, on the basis of the Concept d' Ivoirité issued which led to repression against immigrants. In 1994, the then President Henri Konan Bédié a law that made the ivoirité condition for the presidential nomination.


Developed the Concept d' Ivoirité in the 1970s. It should define the similarities of the inhabitants of the since 1960 existing as an independent state, Ivory Coast. In the 1980s, tensions were visible in the connection for the first time. In the region Daloa there were conflicts between native and immigrant populations, the concept locals, inter alia, in the possession of land, preferred.

Alassane Ouattara, himself later penalized by the concept, led as prime minister under Félix Houphouët-Boigny in 1990, identity cards, which by strict constraints on the origin transpose the concept for the first time. A large part of the immigrant population was denied the card because they were considered "non- Ivorians ." Often migrants were, under the pretext of identity checks, discriminated against by the security forces.

1994, the then President, Henri Konan Bédié define the concept of law as a prerequisite for the presidential nomination. You had to live in the Ivory Coast and have Ivorian parents at least five years. Thus it was no longer possible Ouattara to run for the presidential elections in 1995 and presidential elections in 2000 because he was accused that his mother comes from Burkina Faso. As a result, the Rassemblement Républicains (RDR ) and the Parti démocratique de Côte d' Ivoire ( PDCI - RCA) boycotted the election in 2000, which is a five-year civil war followed in 2002.

Laurent Gbagbo, one of the two main protagonists of the government crisis 2010/2011, is a representative of the Concept d' Ivoirité.
