J. Franklin Jameson

John Franklin Jameson ( born September 19, 1859 in Boston, Massachusetts, † September 28, 1937 in Washington, DC) was an American historian, college teacher and librarian.


After school, he studied at Amherst College and earned a Bachelor of Arts there in 1879 (BA). A subsequent post-graduate studies at Johns Hopkins University he graduated from in 1882 with a Philosophiae Doctor ( Ph.D.) and then took a job there as a professor. In 1884 he was one of the founders of the American Historical Association.

In 1888 he accepted an appointment as a professor at the prestigious Brown University in Providence and taught there until 1901. During this time he was 1895-1901 while also managing editor of the journal The American Historical Review. After that, he was 1901-1905 Professor at the University of Chicago.

After giving this teaching, he became in 1905 director of historical research of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, and practiced this activity until 1928. At the same time, he was from 1905 to 1928 and again managing editor of the American Historical Review. He was also from 1907 to 1908 president of the American Historical Association.

Last Jameson was between 1928 and his death in 1937 Head of the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress.

In addition to his teaching and research, he was also the author of several historical books, which relates mainly to the history of the United States concerned as Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period, Narratives of New Netherland, 1609-1664, Journal of Jasper Danckaerts, 1679-1680 or New Netherland. Among his most important publications include:

  • A History of Historical Writing in America ( 1891)
  • Dictionary of United States History (1894 )
  • The American Revolution Considered as a Social Movement (1926 )