Jabez Bryce

Jabez Leslie Bryce (* January 1935 in Vavau, Tonga, † 11 February 2010 Suva ) was an Anglican bishop.

Jabez Bryce was born January 1935 in Vavau in Tonga and grew up in Samoa. From 1960 he lived in Fiji. Bryce later went to Auckland to get there on his clerical career preparation. In 1962, his ordination. In 1975 he was ordained a bishop and head of the Diocese of Polynesia. Bryce was the first indigenous bishop. All his predecessors had been either British or Australian origin.

In 2006 he was elected alongside William Brown Turei and David Moxon one of the three conductors of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia, and has held ever since the title of archbishop.

In August 2008, he took part in the coronation ceremony of King George Tupou V. new Tongan, during which he was crowned George Tupou V..

Bryce was married and had two children.
