James Robert Baker

James Robert Baker ( born October 18, 1946 in Long Beach, California, † November 5, 1997 in Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles, California ) was an American screenwriter and writer.

He attended UCLA and won the Samuel Goldwyn Writing Award.

Among his books particularly adrenaline ( under the pseudonym James Dillinger ) and fuel (Original Title: Fuel - Injected Dreams ) should be mentioned. The book has many parallels to Phil Spector, who also produced the Beatles and Tina Turner.

James Robert Baker suffered from depression and had serious drug problems. In 1997 he took his own life. Some of his works were posthumously published by his partner Ron Robertson.


  • Adrenaline (1985 )
  • Fuel - Injected Dreams (1986 )
  • Boy Wonder (1988 )
  • Tim and Pete (1993 )
  • Testosterone ( 2000)
  • Anarchy (2002)