Jan Fridegård

Jan Fridegård ( born June 14, 1897 parish Enköpings - Naes, community Enköping when Johan Fridolf " Fride " Johansson, † September 8, 1968 in Uppsala ) was a Swedish " proletarian " writers. The ground of his narrative prose was the poor and oppressive agricultural workers milieu from which he came. He found a barren language, " the Gröbstes and Tender in expressive power objectively clear and vivid detected ".


The son of a half -serfs Statars graduated from the elementary school, escapes the Kinderfronarbeit 18 for three years on horseback army, is sentenced to eight months in prison immediately after his demobilization for theft. While the soldiers time arrives years later in the novel Äran och hjältarna 1938, Fridegård treated the prison experience in his trilogy about the hero with the appropriate name ( German ) Lars Hard, published 1935 /36. It is understood generally considered his masterpiece.

Fridegård moved frequently, but remained mostly in central Sweden Uppland. There are some streets or institutions are named after him, as a school in Håbo at Bålsta. In Övergran ( Enköping ) there is a small Fridegård Museum.


  • De Nios stora pris litteraturåret, 1947
  • Litteraturfrämjandets stora pris litteraturåret, 1967
  • Doblougska priset litteraturåret, 1968

