Jay Hernandez

Jay Hernandez ( born February 20, 1978 in Montebello, California, USA; actually Javier Hernández Jr.) is a Mexican / American actor.

Hernández was born the son of Javier Hernández and Isis in Montebello, California. He has two older brothers and a younger sister. From a young age talent manager Howard Tyner became aware of him who asked him a successful career in Hollywood in view. Tyner wrote his protégé an actor in schools and sent pictures to castings. So Hernandez was a roll of film in which he was able to work with Kirsten Dunst in Crazy / Beautiful. He also visited the Don Bosco Technical Institute in Rosemead, California.

Hernández played in 2004, with John Travolta and Joaquin Phoenix in the action drama in the Fire. In the successful horror film Hostel (2006 ), he had a starring role. Hernandez is married to his former Hang Time co- actress Daniella German.

Filmography (selection)
