Jean Desmarets

Jean Desmarets de Saint -Sorlin (* 1595 in Paris, † October 28, 1676 ) was a French poet and dramatist.

He received in 1634 a seat ( armchair 4) one of the first members of the Académie française, and also has been its first Chancellor. Saint- Sorlin was a favorite of Cardinal de Richelieu, the founder of the Académie française.

He wrote, inspired by Richelieu, a number of dramatic pieces, including the character comedy Les vision aires (1637 ), which was very well received, and even Molière in some of his performances took as a model. In 1634 he wrote on behalf of Richelieu, the heroes Comedie Comedy Heroiqve ..

He also wrote, among other things still epic poems, such as Clovis ( 1657 ), Marie -Madeleine ( 1669 ), numerous religious poems and polemical treatises.
