Jean Ichbiah

Jean Ichbiah ( born March 25, 1940 in Paris, † January 26, 2007 in Boston ) was a French computer scientist. He developed from 1977 to 1983, the Ada programming language.


Jean Ichbiah was born as the grandson of Greco- Jewish and Turkish immigrants in Paris. After successful studies in civil engineering at the École Polytechnique and the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées 1964 he went to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he worked on the syntactic analysis of programming languages. In just two years he completed his studies there from the Ph. D. of Civil Engineering and Operations Research. On his return to France in 1967, he began employment with the Company CII - Bull ( later Honeywell Bull). There he implemented the programming language Simula 67 for the local computer platforms. During his tenure at Bull he was in 1977 commissioned to design a new programming language for the U.S. Department of Defense, later known as Ada 1983 and was standardized by the ANSI.

In 1980, the company Ichbiah ALSYS ( Ada Language Systems ) in France, to pursue the commercialization and further development of the new language. In 1993 he founded the company Text goods in the United States.

Ichbiah was a member of the French Academy of Sciences and Knight of the French Legion of Honour.
