Jean-Jacques Germain Pelet-Clozeau

Jean Jacques Germain Pelet - Clozeau (* July 15, 1777 in Toulouse, France, † December 20, 1858 in Paris) was a French lieutenant general and military writer.


Pelet came in 1800 in the genius Corps, took 1805 as adjutant of Marshal André Masséna at the Battle of Austerlitz, and in 1810 the hapless campaign against Portugal in part. In the campaign against Russia (1812/1813) Pelet battled as chief of staff of a division of Young Guard with distinction in the Battle of Smolensk (1812 ) and the Battle of Borodino (1812 ). After his promotion to brigadier general in 1813, he distinguished himself at the Battle of Dresden ( 1813) and in 1815 at the Battle of Waterloo.

In 1818 he was Maréchal de camp in the General Staff. After the July Revolution, he entered the Chamber of Deputies, where he joined the Liberals. In September 1830 he was appointed to the board of École d'application of the General Staff, Lieutenant-General and Director of the War depots. In October 1837 he received the peerage. In 1850 he was elected to the National Assembly and appointed after the coup d'etat of December 2, 1851 by Louis- Napoléon Bonaparte, from the Prince - President for the senator.

Pelet published the correspondence of Napoleon I and made a new topographic map of France.


His name is inscribed on the Arc de Triomphe in Paris in the 19th column.

Works (selection)

  • Campaigns of the Emperor Napoleon in Germany, Italy and Poland in 1809, in addition to the expeditions of Naples and Walcheren. After a diary and correspondence of Napoleon; with documents and some previously unpublished Actenstücken; a necessary Ergäänzung the Memorial of Count Las Cases ( " Memoires sur la guerre de 1809, en Allemagne, avec les opérations particulières du corps d' Italie, de Pologne, de Saxe, de Naples et de Walcheren "). Franckh, Stuttgart 1824/28 (4 vols ).
  • Memoirs and Military relatifs à la succession d' Espagne sous Louis XIV extraits de la correspondance de la cour et des généraux / par le lieutenant - général de Vault. Imprimerie royale, Paris 1836-1862 ( Collection de documents sur l' histoire de France inédits publiés par ordre du roi et par les soins du ministre de l'instruction publique / 1 series, 11 vols ).