Jean-Marie Guyau

Jean -Marie Guyau ( born October 28, 1854 in Laval, † March 31, 1888 in Menton ) was a French philosopher and poet.

Inspired by poetry and philosophy he read all the great texts of Hugo, Corneille, Musset, Epictetus, Plato and Kant and translated the Manual of Epictetus.

He taught at the Lycée Condorcet and then moved for health reasons to southern France, where he lived until his early death.

He was the son of Augustine Tuillerie that had been published in 1877 Le Tour de France par deux enfants 1877. His wife published under the pseudonym Pierre Ulric children's books.

As a philosopher Guyau was with Alfred Fouillee the leading exponent of philosophical evolutionism.

Works (selection)

  • Essai sur la morale littéraire. In 1873.
  • Première année de lecture courante. In 1875.
  • Morale d' Epicure. In 1878.
  • Morale anglaise contemporaine. 1879, The English German ethic of presence, Leipzig: Kröner, 1914
  • Verse d'un philosophe, dt verses of a philosopher, 1912
  • Problèmes de l' esthétique contemporaine. 1884 The German aesthetic problems of the present, Leipzig 1912
  • Outline of a morale sans obligation ni sanction. 1884th German morality without ' obligation '; Translated into German by Elisabeth Schwarz. With an authored for the German edition biographical and critical introduction by Alfred Fouillee and previously unpublished marginalia Friedrich Nietzsche, 1912
  • Irreligion de l' avenir. 1886 German The irreligion of the future: a sociological study, Leipzig 1910, engl. The Non - religion of the future, New York 1962
  • Education et hérédité. Etude sociologique. Paris: Alcan, 1889, German Education and inheritance 1913
  • La genèse de l' idée de temps, Avec une introd. par Alfred Fouillee, Paris: Alcan, 1890, dt The emergence of the concept of time, Cuxhaven [ ua]: Traude Junghans, 1995
  • L'Art au point de vue sociologique, 2nd éd, Paris: Alcan, 1889, dt: Art as a sociological phenomenon, Leipzig: Klinkhardt, 1911 - recompiling. Berlin, Wissenschaftsverlag Spiess, 1987

Werkausgabe: Philosophical works, translated by E. Bergmann, 6 vols 1912-14.
