Jernløse Municipality

Jernløse Commune was until December 2006 a Danish municipality in the former Vestsjællands office in the northwest of the main Danish island of Zealand. Since January 2007 she is with the former municipalities Holbæk, Svinninge, Tornved and Tølløse part of the new Holbæk municipality. In addition to the former administrative headquarters Nørre Jernløse the community included the places Regstrup, Sønder Jernløse, Kvanløse, Undløse and Sostrup.

Bjergsted | Diana Lund | Dragsholm | Fuglebjerg | Gørlev | Hashøj | Haslev | Holbæk | Hvidebæk | Høng | Jernløse | Kalundborg | Korsør | Nykøbing - Rørvig | Ringsted | Skaelskoer | Slagelse | Soro | Stenlille | Svinninge | Tornved | Trundholm | Tølløse

  • Danish municipality (1970-2006)
  • Holbæk community