Jesús Huerta de Soto

Jesús Huerta de Soto Ballester ( born 1956 in Madrid ) is a Spanish economist of the Austrian School and Professor of Business Policy at the University Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid.


Jesús Huerta de Soto received his doctorate in law in 1992 in Economics from the Complutense University in Madrid in 1984. A fellow of the Spanish central bank he was also a student at Stanford University, from which he received an MBA. From 1979 he was Professor of Economics at the Law Faculty of the Complutense University. Since 2000 he has been Professor of Economic Policy at the Faculty of the University Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, law and social science, and since October 2007 he directs at the same university the only officially accredited master's program in economics of the Austrian School, which has throughout the European Union validity to spread their paradigm throughout Europe and the rest of the world. Since May 2004, he is the founder and editor of the academic journal Procesos de Mercado: revista europea de economía política that appears semi- annually and published essays on the Austrian School in the official languages ​​of the European Union. He is also on entrepreneurial Area President and General Manager of España, SA Compañía Nacional de Seguros, the life insurance company that his grandfather and the first actuary Spain, Jesús Huerta Peña, In 1928. He has devoted a number of his academic publications the insurance sector, giving him the 1983 Premio Internacional de Economía, passed by King Juan Carlos, known for its work plan de pensiones privados earned. Huerta de Soto is also one of the Ludwig von Mises Institute at, patron of the Fundación Instituto de Estudios Madrileño Avanzados ( IMDEA ) and Deputy Chairman of the Mont Pelerin Society was (2000-2004). He also belongs to the editorial board of the Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, the Journal of Markets and Morality and the magazine New Perspectives on Political Economy. Similarly, he is co-founder of the Sociedad para el Estudio de la Acción Humana. He also works very closely with the Instituto Juan de Mariana in Madrid. He was offered his first honorary doctorate in 2009 from the Universidad Francisco Marroquín, which was followed by another by Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Iasi (Romania, 2010). A year later he received in Moscow by the Financial University of the Government of the Russian Federation (2011), founded in 1919 by Lenin, a third honorary doctorate. Among other international academic recognitions he has the Adam Smith Award from CNE from Brussels ( 2005), the Franz Cuhel Memorial Prize for Excellence in Economic Education through the University of Economics in Prague ( 2006), the Gary G. Schlarbaum Prize for Liberty ( Salamanca, 2009), and the Medalla de Foment del Treball Nacional (Barcelona, ​​2009 ) conferred get. Finally he received on 21 June 2013, awarded by the Society Hayek Hayek Medal in the University of Goettingen ( Germany ).


Among his most recognized intellectual contributions include his study of the entrepreneurial function and the impossibility of socialism, which he outlines in his book Socialism, economy, and business function, its further developments of the Austrian business cycle theory, which can be found in his book Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles, and the theory of dynamic efficiency, which is included in his book the Theory of dynamic efficiency. Huerta de Soto believes that the analysis of social reality, the adequate combination of the following three approaches requires: theory ( Ludwig von Mises ), History - Evolution ( Friedrich A. von Hayek ) and ethics ( Murray Rothbard ). The works of Huerta de Soto have been translated into 21 languages ​​, including Russian, Chinese, Japanese and Arabic. In German language are with the Austrian School - Market and creativity, money, bank credit and Konkunkturzyklen and socialism, economy, and corporate function date, three of his works before. For Huerta de Soto anarcho capitalism is superior to the classical liberalism theory. In addition, it supports a full liberalization of the economy and a radical reform of the current financial system. , He calls for a return to the gold standard and a full cover of the demand deposits of banks ( reserve ratio of 100%) Huerta de Soto in part with other thinkers, such as Murray Rothbard, the thesis that the School of Salamanca of the Siglo de Oro, a philosophical, legal and economics predecessor of the Austrian School in general and of economic liberalism in the specifics Dern was and thus the cradle which is what we call economics today. In the field of applied economics, he is best known for his defense of the euro. Huerta de Soto sees the Euro as a " proxy " to the gold standard, which is able to discipline politicians, bureaucrats and interest groups. Huerta de Soto has managed to set up a "school" of young academics and supporters, among which the doctors Philipp Bagus, Miguel Angel Alonso Neira, David Howden, Gabriel Calzada, Javier Aranzadi del Cerro, Oscar Crespo Vara, Adrián Ravier, Juan Ramon Rallo, Miguel Anxo Boubeta Bastos and Maria Blanco, stand out among many others. Since 2011 he is a member of the Partido de la Libertad Individual ( P -Lib ).


  • Jesús Huerta de Soto: socialism, economy, and business function. Lucius & Lucius, Stuttgart 2013 ( Original title: Socialismo, cálculo económico y función empresarial, translated by Marius Kleinheyer ), ISBN 978-3828205857 ( Google books).
  • Jesús Huerta de Soto: money, bank credit, and economic cycles. Lucius & Lucius, Stuttgart 2011 ( Original title: Dinero, crédito bancario y ciclos Económicos, translated by Philipp Bagus ), ISBN 978-3828205321 ( Google books).
  • Jesús Huerta de Soto: The Theory of Dynamic Efficiency. Routledge, 2008, ISBN 978-0203930601 ( Google books).
  • Jesús Huerta de Soto: The Austrian School - Market and creativity. Hayek Institute, Vienna 2007 ( original title: La Escuela austriaca - Mercado y Creatividad (Madrid, 2000), translated by Ingolf Günter Krumm ), ISBN 978-3902466037 ( English: The Austrian School: Market Order and Entrepreneurial Creativity, Edward Elgar Pub, 2008).
  • Jesús Huerta de Soto: Ahorro y Prevision en el Seguro de Vida. Unión Editorial, Madrid 2007, ISBN 978-8472094376.
  • Jesús Huerta de Soto: Dinero, Crédito y Bancario Ciclos Económicos. Unión Editorial, Madrid 1998, ISBN 978-8472093232 ( English Translation: Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles, L. von Mises Institute, 2008. Pdf).
  • Jesús Huerta de Soto: Estudios de Economía Política. 2nd edition. Unión Editorial, Madrid 1994/2004, ISBN 978-8472094086.
  • Jesús Huerta de Soto: Socialismo, Cálculo Económico y Función Empresarial. Unión Editorial, Madrid 1992, ISBN 978-8472092822.
  • Jesús Huerta de Soto (ed.): Lecturas de Economía Política. Unión Editorial, Madrid 1986-1987, ISBN 978-8472091993.
  • Jesús Huerta de Soto: Planes de Pensions Privados. Editorial San Martin, Madrid, 1984, ISBN 978-8471402226 ( Premio Internacional de Economía " Rey Juan Carlos " 1983).