Jezersko–Solčava sheep

The Carinthian sheep exists in two major variants in Germany and Austria. Both are among the most endangered domestic animal breeds. The German strain is more strongly influenced by the Italian Bergamasca. The Austrian version only slightly. The former Paduan sheep likely to have had a major impact. Under the name Seeländerschaf the Carinthian sheep was well known to about 1938. A related sub- form is the Villnösser sheep from South Tyrol.

Some organizations care intensely about the preservation. In Austria the ark Austria (Association for the preservation of rare breeds of farm animals ). The Austrian stock goes back to about 17 female and 5 male lines and is expected to present (2005 ) are 1000 animals again. In Germany, the working group Brillenschaf founded in 1999 Saalsdorf cares about the preservation of this rare breed.

The Carinthian sheep was declared in 1984 by the Society for the Conservation of Old and Endangered Livestock Breeds (GEH ) for 'at-risk livestock breed of the Year ".
