
  • China ( Jinhua Formation)
  • Jiangshanosaurus lixianensis

Jiangshanosaurus is a genus of sauropod dinosaur. She lived at the time of the late Lower Cretaceous ( Albian ) in what is now China. The name refers to the town of Jiangshan (江山 市) in the Chinese province of Zhejiang.

This genus was described in 2001 with the single species, Jiangshanosaurus lixianensis from a Chinese paleontologist team to Tang Feng. So far, a fragmentary skeleton is known, which dates some vertebrae, the shoulder girdle, parts of the pelvis and fragments of a femur with includes and from the lower layers of Jinhua Formation in Chinese Zhenjiang.


From related genera is Jiangshanosaurus can distinguish by a large proximal extension of the shoulder blade ( scapula ), through which the shoulder blade viewed from the side P -shaped appear. Furthermore, the opening ( foramen ) of the Raven bone ( coracoid ) was positioned in the center of this bone.


Jiangshanosaurus is regarded as a representative of the Titanosauria. Upchurch and colleagues ( 2004) noted that the anterior caudal vertebrae were, procoel (on the front concave) which indicates an affiliation with the Lithostrotia ( = Titanosauridae ). Jiangshanosaurus is the first Titanosaurier discovered in China.
