Johann Bauschinger

Johann Bauschinger ( born June 11, 1834 in Nuremberg, † November 25, 1893 ) was a mathematician and technicians, and from 1868 until his death Professor of Engineering Mechanics at Munich Polytechnic. The " Mechanical- Technical Laboratory " took in 1870 under his leadership the work. Thus, it was the first material testing institute of higher education. It was the origin of the " State Materialprüfamts for mechanical engineering " of the Technical University of Munich, which still exists today.


Bauschinger studied from 1850 at the Polytechnic School, in 1853 at the University of Munich, 1857 Commercial school teacher in Fürth in 1866 professor at the Real Gymnasium in Munich and in 1868 ibid professor at the Institute of Technology ( Polytechnic ) (now Technical University of Munich ). Since 1892 he was a member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, since 1888 he was a member of the Leopoldina. His son Julius Bauschinger was an astronomer.


Bauschinger developed test methods for building materials, among other things, he designed a mirror apparatus for determining the length change under train and compression. His work has importance for both the material science as for Materials Science. In order to standardize the test methods for building and construction materials in 1884 he convened a meeting of experts to Munich, initiated in 1886 a similar conference in Dresden and in 1890 an international conference in Berlin. Since 1884, he was Director of the educated at the Munich Conference Commission for agreeing on common testing methods. In 1896 it became the German Association for Materials Testing ( DVM).

Named after Bauschinger Bausch Inger effect describes the change in yield strength of steel under varying load direction. The Bauschinger ratio represents the ratio of the kinematic isotropic hardening.



  • The School of Mechanics, Munich 1861, 2nd edition 1867 Munich
  • Mittheilungen from the Mechanical-Technical Laboratory, Vol 1-21, 22 and 23 posthumously ( 1873-1895 ); in: About the Young's modulus and residual compression and expansion of several materials, in: Mitth. 5th born in 1878
  • By changing the limit of elasticity and the strength of the iron and steel by drawing and squeezing, by heating and cooling, and often repeated loads, in: Mitth. 13 Born in 1886 (for Bausch Inger effect)