Johann Campanus

Johann (es) Campanus (* 1500 in Maaseik; † around 1574 ) was a theologian and Baptist.


Born in the diocese of Liege, Campanus attended school in Dusseldorf and went to the University of Cologne. As the thoughts of the Reformation came to Cologne, he entered for this and had to leave the university because of the resulting disputes with the orthodox theologians. He was first convent chaplain, then a Protestant pastor in Roermond and went then in the Duchy of Jülich, where he appeared as an advocate of the new theological thought. 1521, he remained at the invitation of the nobles Werner von Palant on whose castle in Wassenberg. He earned as much prestige that it was made possible by patrons to go in summer 1527 as a tutor young nobleman to Wittenberg. On 19 December 1528, he enrolled at the University of Wittenberg, where he pursued theological studies at Martin Luther and Justus Jonas.

However, while studying the Bible he found for himself entirely different statements than those of his teachers. Georg Witzel, who also disagreed with the statements of the Wittenberg theologians, encouraged the enthusiastic performances of Campanus, which came on the Marburg Colloquy with these early October 1529 the public. He urged his admission to the conversation with the objection to have found an interpretation of the words of the Lord's Supper. He wanted to bring about an understanding between Luther and Ulrich Zwingli. To this suggestion he called Luther to the defense. However, his license was denied.

On his return to Wittenberg, he tried to spread his Anabaptist ideas always challenging, so let him imprison Elector Johann the Steadfast of Saxony for a certain time. As soon released from prison, he continued his activity and had to flee again due to a threat of arrest. However, he could no longer be dissuaded from his point of view. When the Elector with his theologians and councils in Torgau advised the approaching Diet of Augsburg and the Augsburg Confession, he appeared there and put his theory to the Soviets before. In this regard, he called on Luther to a renewed defense, which was again rejected. In the Electorate of Saxony, he could not continue to move forward with his ideas.

That's why he went first to Brunswick and returned to the Duchy of Jülich, where gathered many followers around him. In Wassenberg 1532, he wrote a restitution, which included 160 pages. In House Hall in Ratheim he found protection in the nobleman Henry of Olmissen called Mülstroe. In Münster ( Westphalia ), he influenced not irrelevant the Baptist kingdom of Munster. However, when he carried the announcement of the end of the world and the extinction of the country's population at the Rur terrified the population of the Duchy of Jülich, the Duke of Jülich was imprisoning him in 1553. After more than 20 years in prison, he should be dead mentally and physically shattered.


  • Contra mundum totum post apostolos also Against the Lutheran and all the world by the apostles and the same wunderbarliche and seltzame ungehewre Irrthumb. to 1531
  • Verdunckelt Divine and Holy Scripture before vilen jaren and unheylsame empty and Lerer from God's permission darkened Restrution and improvement by the hochgelarten Johannem Campanum. 1532
  • De eucharistia. to 1574


  • A situated between Ratheim and Hilfarth grove centuries was popularly referred to de Campanus Eek ( = on the Campanus oak). Under an oak tree, the preacher is said to have held secret meetings here for his followers.
  • See also: Wassenberg preachers